Automated Advanced Content Quality Assurance Tool

Advanced Quality Assurance Tool

Project Summary:

I developed an advanced Quality Assurance (QA) tool that utilizes Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Language Models (LLMs) to identify and highlight issues in AI-generated SEO content. This tool ensured that the content met stringent quality standards, saving the company over $200,000 in a year and countless hours of manual labor.

Key Achievements:

  • Automated Quality Checks: Implemented NLP and LLMs to detect and highlight issues such as unnatural language, grammar errors, repetition, readability issues, and SEO keyword optimization.

  • Scalable Solution: Ensured quality assurance for over 100,000 pieces of unique SEO-optimized content generated by AI.

  • Cost and Time Efficiency: Saved the company over $200,000 and significantly reduced manual labor time by automating the QA process.

Skills Demonstrated:

  • Natural Language Processing

  • Large Language Models

  • Algorithm Development

  • Automation

  • Quality Assurance


The advanced QA tool revolutionized the companies content quality assurance process, ensuring high standards for large-scale AI-generated content. This project showcased my ability to integrate sophisticated AI technologies to deliver impactful and cost-effective solutions.
